A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Visit the Museum of All Things Inkipedia, a nearly-infinite virtual museum generated from the Splatoon Wiki!

You can find exhibits on hundred of topics, from Ability chunk to the Zombies vs. Ghosts Splatfest. Search for the topic you want to learn about, or just wander from topic to topic as your curiosity dictates!

If you have an OpenXR-compatible headset, you can also visit the MoAT in VR! (Currently, the Oculus Quest is not supported)

How does it work?

The breadth of the museum is made possible by downloading text and images from Inkipedia. Every exhibit in the museum corresponds to an Inkipedia article. The walls of the exhibit are covered in images and text from the article, and hallways lead out to other exhibits based on the article's links.

Visit the main Museum of All Things project homepage to learn more about the project!

This is a modified Museum of All Things
using Inkipedia instead of Wikipedia. Original code for the Museum of All Things was created by Maya Claire .

Audio for the Museum of All Things was created by Willow Wolf from Neomoon. Check out her website if you're looking for game audio services!


MuseumOfAllThingsInkipedia.exe 217 MB
MuseumOfAllThingsInkipedia_Linux.x86_64 199 MB
MuseumOfAllThingsInkipedia_OSX.zip 136 MB
MuseumOfAllThingsInkipedia_OpenXR.exe 217 MB
MuseumOfAllThingsInkipedia_Linux_OpenXR.x86_64 199 MB

Install instructions

The OSX version of the game will currently require you to make an exception in your security settings in order to run it, as I am not a member of the Apple developer program.

Only use the OpenXR version of the game if you have an OpenXR-compatible headset and OpenXR runtime installed. To run the game without VR, download the release corresponding to your platform that does not have OpenXR in the filename.


  • Movement: WASD, Controller left stick
  • Camera: Mouse, Controller right stick
  • Jump: Spacebar, Controller A (Nintendo B)
  • Crouch: Ctrl, Controller right bumper
  • Sprint: Shift, Controller right trigger
  • Interact: E, Controller Y (Nintendo X)
  • Menu: Escape, Controller Menu (Nintendo Start)

VR Controls

  • Movement: Hold left trigger and aim to teleport (Direct movement is also available through controls menu)
  • Rotate camera: Right controller stick left/right
  • Menu: Right controller B
  • Interact: Point left controller and use left trigger to interact with menus

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